Publicised Contact Details for Complaints: At PennyBooks Limited, we are committed to minimising the need for complaints; however, we understand that from time to time, service-related issues may arise. We strive to address these matters quickly and professionally.
Our clients have the right to make a complaint if they feel dissatisfied with any aspect of the service provided.
We take complaints very seriously and will take all reasonable steps to handle complaints in a fair and efficient manner.
All complaints will be acknowledged and responded to in a timely fashion.
We will take all necessary steps to resolve any complaint and bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.
A record will be kept of all complaints to enable us to review and address any systematic issues and improve our service levels.
Our standard client care documentation and our website provide all the necessary information for clients who wish to make a complaint.
Written complaints may be sent to Brendon Dallas or by email at:
If the complaint relates to one of the directors, then another director will be responsible for handling the complaint.
Making a Complaint: Complaints should be submitted in writing (or by email) to the director at the above address. However, in extenuating circumstances or time-sensitive situations, it is acceptable to make a complaint verbally.
The complaint should clearly state “complaint” in the heading or subject line.
The complaint should detail the specific issues that have caused dissatisfaction.
We will send a written or emailed acknowledgement to the complainant within two working days.
If insufficient details are provided in the complaint, we will contact the complainant to obtain further information within two working days.
Once all necessary details have been obtained, an investigation will be conducted. We will review the situation and provide a formal response within 10 working days.
Resolving Complaints: In many cases, the person responsible for the issue being complained about is in the best position to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is received by that person, they should attempt to resolve it promptly, if possible and appropriate.
Regardless of whether the complaint has been resolved, the complaint information should be passed to a director at the earliest possible opportunity or, at the latest, within three working days.
Upon receiving the complaint, a director will log it in the complaints register. If the complaint is unresolved, they will investigate it and take the necessary action.
If the complaint is about a specific individual, they will be informed and given a fair opportunity to respond.
The person handling the complaint should acknowledge it within three working days. The acknowledgement should indicate who is dealing with the complaint and provide an expected timeline for a response. A copy of this complaints procedure should be attached.
Ideally, a definitive reply should be provided within 10 working days. If this is not possible, for example, because the investigation is incomplete, a progress report will be issued with an estimate of when a full reply will be provided.
Whether or not the complaint is deemed justified, the reply should describe the actions taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions drawn, and any resulting actions.